
2006-2009            Utah Valley University, Provo, Utah
                                Bachelor of Theatre Science
                               Associates of Theatre Science

Acting Experience

2008-2009            Chess, Chorus Member, Utah Valley University
2007-2008            The Heiress, Mrs. Montgomery, Utah Valley University 
2006-2007            Queens of Birdland, Mariah Carey, Utah Valley State College
2006-2007            O’Pioneers, Ilsa, Augustine, Utah Valley State College
2006-2007            Black Box Repertoire, Singer, Dancer, Actor, Utah Valley State College           
2005-2006            Beauty and the Beast, Belle, Mountain View High School
2004-2005            Little Mary Sunshine, Nancy Twinkle, Mountain View High
2004-2005            Young Ambassadors Singing Entertainers Workshop,                                         Girl, Sussical

Music Experience

2007-2008            Jason Robert Brown Review, Kathy, UVU
2006-2007            Stadium of Fire, Choral Performer, BYU Stadium 
2005-2006            ACDA Convention, Salt Lake City, A’ Cappella Choir,                                      Chamber Choir, MVHS
 Night of the World, A’ Cappella Choir, Chamber Choir,                     MVHS
                                 Special Invitation, President Gordon B. Hinckley,                                                Chamber Choir, MVHS
 Ambassadors of Music, London, Paris, Switzerland,                            Liecht., Austria, Venice,Germany
                                 Disney Honors, A’ Cappella Choir, MVHS

Technical Theatre Experience

2009-2010            The Fantastic’s (Production Stage Manager), Sundance                                      Theatre Company
2008-2009            Facing East (Stage Manager) UVU
2008-2009            Residential Stage Manager, UVU
2008-2009            Robber Bridegroom (Stage Manager), Scera Theatre
2007-2008            Canyon Suites, Stage Manager (ACTF Stage Management                                  Comp. Nominee)
2006-2007            The Tempest, (ACTF Competition), Assistant Stage                                              Manager, Props Manager

Theatre Training

2008-2009            Stage Management, Production Management,                                                       Lighting/Sound Design
2007-2008            Acting I, Acting II, Christopher Clark
2006-2007            Stage Management, Lighting,Makeup, and Set Design, Directing, Props            Manager
2005-2006            Drama IV, Nathan J. Criman, Instr., Acting, Directing, Writing, Advance Makeup
2003-2004            Drama III, Nathan J. Criman, Instr., Film Acting, Adv.                                          Makeup, Videography
2003-2004             John Robert Powers, Talent Agency, Commercial, Film                                      Acting

Music Training

2008-2009            David Tinney, Acting For Musical Theatre
2006-2007            David Tinney, BYU Graduate, Bachelors Degree MDT,                                      Young Ambassadors
2005-2008            Korianne Johnson, BYU Graduate, Bachelors Degree                                         MDT
2004-2005            Gayle Lockwood, Vocal Coach of BYU Young                                                       Ambassadors           
                                Rosemary Mathews, Masters of Music Nevada, Reno
2000-2003            Joy Gardner, BYU Graduate, Bachelors Degree MDT

Technical/Directing Training

2008-2009            Directing For Film, Intro to Cinematography, Dr. D. Terry                                  Petrie PhD
2007-2008            Directing I, Directing II, Dr. D. Terry Petrie PhD
2005-2007            Mr. Mountain View Competition, Fundraiser,MVHS
 Kissing Scene, One Act Play’s, MVHS
                “Main Squeeze,” Wrote & Directed, MVHS


2009                        The Fantastic’s, (Production Stage Manager), Sundance                                     Theatre Company


2008                        Most Outstanding Student, Theatrical Arts for Stage and                                   Screen, UVU
2008                        Most Outstanding Stage Manager, UVU
2007                        ACTF Nominee, Production Stage Manager, UVU
2006                        ACTF Competitor, Production Assistant, UVU
2006                        UVU Theatrical Scholarship-Full, UVU
2006                        Alliance Scholarship for Leadership Skills, UVU
2006                        Outstanding Drama III Female, Director, MVHS
2006                        Best Actress in a Musical, Belle, MVHS
2005                        Most Promising Drama II Actress, Nancy Twinkle, MVHS


2007-2009            Theatrical Arts Guild President, Utah Valley University
2005-2006            Drama Presidency, Mr. Mountain View, Academic                                               Lettering Program
                                Personal Assistant, Nathan J. Criman, Chairman of Fine                                      Arts Department

                        References Available Upon Request